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Transforming Your Physical Health

Jonathan Riley

Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind.” — Nelson Mandela

Simply put, physical wellness refers to the state of our body. Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. It includes a good balance between the aspects of not only exercise and nutrition, but also hygiene, care of sickness, sleep, safe sex, and more. The University of Delaware states that physical wellness enables a person to feel empowered to be responsible for one’s personal health, identify areas for realistic improvement and celebrate areas of success.

The Australian Institute of Fitness found that when people are physically well, they were healthier and happier. According to the University of Minnesota, physical wellness brings a sense of purpose and value, a better quality of life, improved sleep, reduced stress, and stronger relationships and social connectedness.

Exercise is one aspect of achieving and maintaining physical wellness. Exercise is generally a word laden with negative connotations and often viewed as a chore. A study done by the American Heart Association found that adults who watched more than 4 hours of television a day had an 80% higher risk of death or cardiovascular disease. Exercise not only helps people lose and keep weight off, but it also improves mental clarity and concentration. Exercise helps with memory and learning and can also reduce the risk of illnesses such as diabetes, heart and lung disease, obesity, dementia, and some cancers.

Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance mood and increase a sense of achievement and confidence (Australian Institute of Fitness, n.d.). Regular exercise has been shown to improve the emotional states of people suffering from anxiety and depression. Exercise can provide a healthy outlet for stress and negative emotions such as anger and sadness. A growing body of research demonstrates that moderate-to-vigorous exercise can improve sleep quality. Exercising on a regular basis can help promote healthier, more restful sleep and may aid in the treatment of sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Sports Medicine Australia (2020) recommends that people engage in aerobic exercise (such as jogging, cycling, or walking) for 30 minutes three times per week. If meeting these guidelines seems too much for you at present, consider taking small steps to make movement a part of your daily activity. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator on a regular basis might seem inconsequential, but over the course of a month it can add up to a lot of exercise.

Some people may have physical limitations or a condition that would make physical activity harmful or perhaps impossible. Whatever your personal circumstances are, different people need different levels of physical activity and exercise. It helps to talk to your doctor to determine what kind of physical activity is right for you.

Here are 10 ways to improve your physical wellness

1. Exercise regularly

2. Drink more water

3. Eating a healthy and balanced diet

4. Cut back on sugar & alcohol

5. Improve gut health

6. Maintain a healthy weight

7. Get enough sleep

8. Manage your stress

9. Maintain personal hygiene

10. Get regular health checks

Finally, whether you go for a walk or change your diet, doing something is better than doing nothing. Attending to your physical wellness needs can bring you one step closer to happiness and a less stressful life. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor to come up with a realistic plan before starting on your physical wellness journey.


American Heart Association. (n.d.). American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids. Retrieved from

Australia Department of Health. (n.d.). Physical health – Being active. Retrieved from

Australian Fitness Academy. (2018, March 07). How Exercise Makes You Happy: AFA Blog. Retrieved from

Australian Institute of Fitness. (n.d.). Exercise As Part Of A Holistic Approach To Health. Retrieved from

Breus, D. M. (2018, January 29). The Benefits of Exercise For Sleep. Retrieved from can provide excellent benefits,sleep issues such as insomnia.

Iowa State University. (n.d.). Physical Wellness. Retrieved from wellness is the ability,undue fatigue or physical stress.

MENTALHELP.NET. (n.d.). Benefits of Exercise. Retrieved from

Raupers, E. (2018, February 26). Physical Wellness: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How to Cultivate It. Retrieved from

Sports Medicine Australia (2020) Australia’s leading multi-disciplinary sports medicine body. (2020, June 10). Retrieved from

University of Delaware. (n.d.). Student Wellness & Health Promotion. Retrieved from

University of Minnesota. (2016). Why is Physical Activity Important? Retrieved from

Western Cape Government. (2020). Physical Activity – Importance and benefits. Retrieved from