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How to Find Happiness in Your Life

Jonathan Riley

There is no path to happiness – happiness is the path.” – Gautama Buddha

According to research, the most significant factor in determining overall happiness is the quality of one’s relationships. Having healthy social connections is the most reliable predictor of living a happy and content life. Satisfying relationships are linked to better health, greater happiness, and even longer life. A person’s happiness isn’t solely dependent on romantic relationships. Close friendships and social ties with your family and community can also play a part.

Here are 8 ways to increase your happiness

Social Relationships

Scientific evidence demonstrates that social relationships are beneficial to one’s health. These studies consistently show that individuals with a low level of social involvement are more likely to be unhappy than those with a high level of involvement. Strong social ties and mental health have numerous advantages. According to research, people who have strong social connections have higher self-esteem, more empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships and lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Improve your Relationships

Good mental health is supported by healthy relationships, whereas social isolation and poor relationships can be risk factors for mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Part of developing solid relationships is communicating effectively, openly, and regularly. Developing solid relationships can be accomplished by sharing your thoughts and feelings with those you love and trust. In addition, consider using less technology and spending more time connecting with people regularly.


Happiness and trust go hand in hand. Trust is one of the foundational building blocks of a healthy relationship. When we trust someone, we know we can be who we are with them. We know that we can count on them and that the person will be by our side and support us when we need them. Trust is the key dynamic that unites people, and happiness can be experienced when we learn to trust ourselves and each other.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Research has suggested that the people you associate with can significantly impact your happiness and directly influence the person you become. “Wisely choose your friends” means choosing friends who will not lead you into bad habits or a negative mindset. Find friends who will encourage you rather than tear you down. It comes down to quality over quantity when it comes to having successful relationships. Knowing that you can count on them to support you, spend time with you, and be honest with you is an integral part of having a successful relationship.

Spend Time with Happy People

It is scientifically proven that having positive, healthy relationships makes you happier. However, how much happier you are depends on a variety of factors, including your personality and the nature of your relationships. Studies show that our happiness is linked with the happiness of others. Studies found that those who surround themselves with upbeat people have a more positive outlook on life and, as a result, are happier.

Social Comparison

While social comparison can boost one’s self-esteem and make them feel better about their lives, constantly comparing oneself to others can have the opposite effect, slowly eroding one’s happiness. It’s much more difficult to be happy when you focus on your shortcomings – what you lack versus what you possess. Learning to accept and be kinder to ourselves increases our enjoyment of life, and it also helps us accept others as they are.

Caring about Others

The ability to care about others is essential to our happiness. People who act altruistically or volunteer to improve the lives of others tend to be happier and less depressed. Giving also fosters stronger interpersonal relationships, which contributes to the development of a happier society for all. Consider volunteering, which lets you help others, can boost your self-esteem and is a great way to meet new people.

8 Hugs a Day

Consider how many hugs you receive each day. A world-renowned family therapist, Virginia Satir, is famous for saying, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Hugs have been shown to improve mood, foster feelings of trust and bonding, and lay the groundwork for human connection. Hugging also increases oxytocin production, which is associated with feelings of trust and camaraderie.

In conclusion, while everyone’s path to happiness is unique, research consistently indicates that relationships positively affect people’s happiness and well-being. Researchers have spent a great deal of time determining what makes us happy and what does not. We know that happiness has a strong correlation with health, longevity, and happiness. Each of us has the ability to make small changes to our lives, environment, and relationships that can help us on the path to a happier life.