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Debunking 10 Myths About Therapy

Jonathan Riley

“Always make decisions that prioritize your inner peace.” ― Izey Victoria Odiase

Seeking help for your mental health can be quite nerve-racking and not knowing what to expect can cause worry. However, it is important to remind yourself that you have already taken the hardest step, which is realising the need to seek support for yourself and taking action on it. There are many persistent myths about therapy that can influence a person’s decision to avoid seeking help. However, these myths are not based in fact, and knowing how to separate fact from fiction can help you make the decision to seek therapy.

“It’s For ‘Crazy’ People”

As a society, we’ve come a long way in the effort to destigmatize mental illness. However, the echoes of the myth that therapy is for ‘crazy’ people may still exist and likely keeps some people from seeking help for fear of what it will mean about them if they go to therapy. Going to therapy can help individuals learn more adaptive, constructive ways of coping with a wide variety of life’s challenges such as emotional distress, family conflict, behavioural problems, relationship distress, parenting, work issues, and more.

“Therapy Can Solve Problems In One Or Two Sessions”

Therapy is often depicted on television as a quick fix that can solve problems in just one or two sessions. However, in real life, therapy is a longer process that typically involves many sessions over time. The average therapy session lasts for 50 minutes, and the first session is often used to get to know the therapist and discuss the problem at hand. While it may be convenient for television shows to portray therapy as a quick fix, in reality, it takes time and effort to get to the heart of a problem and make lasting changes.

“People Who Go To Therapy Are Weak”

One of the most common myths about therapy is the belief that people who seek therapy are weak or flawed in some way. In fact, it is a sign of strength and self-awareness. By seeking therapy, you are taking a proactive step to improve your mental and emotional well-being, and to build a stronger, healthier, and happier life. So, don’t be afraid to seek therapy if you are struggling with mental health issues. You are not weak, and you are not alone. With the right support and guidance, you can overcome your challenges and build the life you want and deserve.

“I Should Be Able Manage My Own Issues”

Therapy is not about fixing or solving your problems for you. Instead, therapy is about teaching you strategies and skills that you can use to manage your own issues and challenges. Just as a personal trainer can help you develop the strength and skills you need to achieve your fitness goals, a therapist can help you develop the mental and emotional strength and skills you need to achieve your therapy goals. By working with a therapist, you can learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings, how to communicate effectively, and how to overcome the challenges you face in life.

“Speaking About Your Feelings Will Make Them Worse”

It is true that different approaches to therapy work for different people. However, in general, scientific studies have shown that talking about our thoughts and emotions can actually decrease their intensity. This is because talking about our problems can help us work through confusion, find solutions, and gain clarity. It can also help us gain a new perspective and feel less alone. In this way, talking can be an effective way to address and resolve our problems. Of course, the specific approach that works best for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

“Talking To a Therapist Is The Same As Talking To A Friend.”

While talking to friends can be helpful and supportive, it is not the same as talking to a therapist. Therapy is not just about venting, chatting, or getting advice. A therapist creates a safe and confidential space where you can share your thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged. Your therapist’s goal is to help you gain insight into your own thoughts and feelings, and to help you discover your own truths. They are also trained to provide you with the support and guidance you need to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals.

“We’re Just Going to Talk About My Childhood The Whole Time”

Reflecting on childhood experiences can be a powerful tool in therapy. Many of the beliefs and assumptions that we hold about ourselves, our relationships, and life in general are rooted in our experiences as children. In therapy, you can explore these experiences and the messages you learned from them, and you can challenge and change the limiting or hurtful beliefs that you have developed as a result. You can learn how to let go of old patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving you, and you can learn how to create more fulfilling and healthy relationships in your life.

“My Therapist Might Judge Me”

One of the key principles of therapy is the avoidance of judgment. Carl Rogers, one of the most influential psychologists, developed the concept of unconditional positive regard, which means being accepted by the therapist without judgment. At My Practice, we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and acceptance, regardless of their background, experiences, or beliefs. We understand that most people experience struggles and trauma in their lives, and that these experiences can impact their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. That’s why we focus on people’s strengths and work with them to help them think more clearly and make positive changes in their lives. We believe that everyone has the potential to grow and change, and we are committed to providing the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals.

“Once You Start Therapy, You’re In It For Life”

One common myth about therapy is the belief that once you start, you are in it for life. This is simply not true. In fact, the vast majority of people who seek therapy will go to between 6 and 10 sessions, and then their therapy will be concluded. Some people may choose to top up their therapy at a later date, or to seek additional support at some other point in their lives. But for the most part, therapy is not a lifelong commitment. It’s important to remember that therapy is a process, and the length of time you will need to spend in therapy will depend on your individual goals and needs.

Finally, make sure that your goals for therapy are manageable, and that you understand that therapy is a process that takes time. Therapy is not as simple or condensed as the therapy sessions you see on TV or in movies. It requires effort and dedication to make progress, and it may be challenging at times. But with the right support and guidance, you can learn how to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, and you can make significant progress towards a happier and more fulfilling life. So, don’t be afraid to seek therapy if you need it.

If you’re interested in scheduling a free 15-minute consultation with us, book online today.