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Modern Media on Our Perceptions of Love

Jonathan Riley

“Perfection is an illusion, especially when it comes to love and relationships.” – Jonathan Riley

In this technologically-driven era, social media wields significant influence over our perceptions of love and relationships. As we scroll through our feeds, we see carefully chosen photos and stories about what seem to be perfect couples. This gives us the impression that love is always romantic, perfect, and free of problems. While such platforms can foster a sense of community and provide insight into various expressions of love, they can also unintentionally create misconceptions and unrealistic expectations about what constitutes ‘true’ love and healthy relationships.

Perfection, especially when it pertains to love and relationships, is an illusion, a captivating mirage fostered by the glossy surface of social media. We see images of couples enjoying sunsets, grand romantic gestures, elaborate surprises, and declarations of eternal love. What we don’t see, however, are the disagreements, compromises, the mundane day-to-day interactions, and the painstaking work that goes into nurturing a relationship. Every relationship, no matter how idyllic it appears on an Instagram story, faces its share of challenges. Remember, the absence of these elements on social media does not negate their existence in real life.

In this digital age, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing our relationships to those of others. As we sift through the highlight reels of others’ love lives, it’s easy to harbor thoughts like, “Because we aren’t like other couples, this is not real love.” This notion, however, is deeply flawed. Relationships are as unique as the individuals involved, each shaped by personal quirks, circumstances, experiences, and a shared history that cannot be captured in a series of photos or tweets.

In a world where everyone seems to be perpetually connected, it’s easy to fall into the belief that love should be an around-the-clock affair. We sometimes forget that space and time apart are as crucial to a relationship as togetherness. Constant interaction can lead to emotional exhaustion and stifle personal growth. Having the freedom to pursue individual interests and maintain separate identities contributes to the health of a relationship and prevents it from turning stifling or co-dependent. Similarly, the misconception that “my partner should always be romantic” is an unrealistic expectation nurtured by the rose-tinted lenses of social media. While romance plays an important role in maintaining the spark in a relationship, it is not the sole determinant of love. Love is also about respect, trust, understanding, shared goals, and standing by each other through trials and tribulations.

Often, we fail to acknowledge the fact that a loving relationship can sometimes be routine and even a little boring. Life isn’t a romantic movie, and not every day is filled with breath-taking moments or grand gestures. Sometimes, love is in the simple, everyday things – cooking a meal together, sharing a joke, or even quiet companionship as you both go about your day. When you come across people on social media portraying ‘perfect’ relationships, it’s important to remember that they may be overcompensating for a less-than-ideal relationship behind the scenes. Social media is, after all, a carefully curated presentation of the best aspects of one’s life, a façade that rarely reflects the complete reality.

In conclusion, while social media can be a source of inspiration, it should not be used to measure our own relationships. Our understanding and experience of love should be influenced more by personal introspection, shared experiences, and individual emotional needs rather than the unrealistic representations of love often portrayed on social media.

At My Practice Counselling Melbourne, understands the impact social media can have on people’s perceptions of love and relationships. We offer a supportive and safe environment to explore these perceptions and assist you in fostering a healthier, more grounded understanding and experience of love. After all, true love is beautifully imperfect and should be celebrated for its authentic, real-life nuances.